Outreach / Public Engagement

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

To convince more and more people of the beauty of physics and the world in general, I got myself involved in several activities engaging the public. A selection of projects / events, where I took (will take) part in the organisation and/or realisation, are listed below.

From March 2018 to February 2022 I was elected Education & Outreach coordinator of the ATLAS Collaboration (two-year term; reelected until March 2022).

From February to November 2022, I was working as Outreach & Didactics Manager for the Munich Quantum Valley, where, since December 2022, I am the Head of Media Relations & Public Engagement.


ATLAS Visitor Centre
project lead for the development of a new ATLAS Visitor Centre, Geneva (January 2018 – June 2022)
Models of the ATLAS experiment at CERN used for science communication and education.
Bead Collision
A collection of ironing-beads templates inspired by particle physics.
Build Your Own Particle Detector
A platform for science LEGO models and public education events
Colliding Colour
An art project, inspired by particle-physics collisions.
Particle Twister
A particle-physics outreach activity created by Katarina Anthony and myself.


“Tag der offenen Tür in Garching”
setup and maintenance of central forschungscampus-garching.de website, organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Garching (3 October 2024)
“73rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting”
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Lindau (4 July 2024)
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Munich (29 – 30 June 2024)
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley, Munich (28 – 30 June 2024)
“Tag der offenen Tür / ‘Maustag’ in Garching”
setup and maintenance of central forschungscampus-garching.de website, organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Garching (3 October 2023)
“Festival der Zukunft”
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Munich (6 – 8 July 2023)
“Frage- & Antwort-Stunde zum ALICE-Detektor(-Modell) mit der Gustav-Heinemann-Oberschule”
FAQ/AMA session, online (5 July 2023)
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Munich (5 – 7 May 2023)
“Orpheus Seminar München”
organisation of the Munich Quantum Valley / MPQ contribution, Garching (8 October 2022)
“Festival der Zukunft”
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Munich (22 – 24 July 2022)
supporting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Münster (2 – 17 July 2022)
co-organising contributions of the Munich Quantum Valley and guide, Munich (24 – 26 June 2022)
co-hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Valencia (28 May 2022)
“ALICE LEGO model workshops”
co-organiser of student workshops to design and build an ALICE LEGO model, online (January – June 2021)
“CERN@home – Ein Nachmittag virtuell am CERN”
Q’n’A session, online (29 April 2021)
“ATLAS Virtual Visit mit der Hans-Riegel-Stiftung”
moderation of a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment, online (25 March 2021)
“International Masterclasses 2021”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (25 February 2021)
“Physiker im Beruf” with the jDPG (Working Group Young DPG)
ATLAS Virtual Visit/Conference, online (1 July 2020)
Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference
outreach parallel session co-convener und co-chair, online (28/29 May 2020)
“CERN Science Gateway Education Labs: Kick-off workshop”
invited participant, Geneva (29 – 31 January 2020)
“Max Planck Institute for Physics Mountain Retreat”
invited speaker at Max Planck Institute for Physics Mountain Retreat, Berchtesgaden (29 October 2019)
“2019 LMU CERN Student Excursion”
organising and hosting a CERN tour and full-day visit for about 40 LMU Students, Geneva (30 September – 2 October 2019)
“CERN Open Days”
coordination of the ATLAS contributions and a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Geneva (July 2018 – 14/15 September 2019)
“Tag der offenen Tür am Max-Planck-Institut für Physik”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Munich (1 June 2019)
“Tag der offenen Tür in LMU Physik”
organisation of / guide at the experimental particle physics exhibition, Munich (4 May 2019)
“International Masterclasses 2019”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (4 April 2019)
“Begabungsstützpunkt Moderne Physik am Korbinian-Aigner-Gymnasium Erding”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ workshop, Erding (20 October 2018)
“Tag der offenen Tür in Garching”
organisation of / guide at the experimental particle physics exhibition and a BYOPD event, Garching (13 October 2018)
“2018 LMU CERN Student Excursion”
organising and hosting a CERN tour and full-day visit for about 40 LMU Students, Geneva (10 -12 October 2018)
“Outreach: Just do it”
invited speaker at INSIGHTS Workshop on Statistics, Machine Learning and Outreach, Geneva (19 September 2018)
“La Nuit de la science 2018”
supporting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Geneva (7 July 2018)
“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Dresden”
supporting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event at IKTP, Dresden (15 June 2018)
“International Masterclasses 2018”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (7 March 2018)
“Tag der offenen Tür in Garching”
organisation of / guide at the experimental particle physics exhibition and a BYOPD event, Garching (21 October 2017)
“2017 Science Fair at the LPSC”
supporting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Grenoble (14 October 2017)
appointed as next ATLAS outreach co-coordinator
by election in the ATLAS collaboration board, starting March 2018 (13 October 2017)
“ATLAS25 live event”
organisation of a Facebook live event on ATLAS’ birthday, Geneva (2 October 2017)
“2017 LMU CERN Student Excursion”
organising and hosting a CERN tour and full-day visit for about 40 LMU Students, Geneva (8 – 10 August 2017)
“Tag der offenen Tür am Max-Planck-Institut für Physik”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Munich (24 June 2017)
“International Masterclasses 2017”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (5 April 2017)
“25 years of ATLAS”
organisation of events to celebrate ATLAS’ birthday (September/October 2017; all of 2017)
“Tag der offenen Tür in Garching”
organisation of / guide at the experimental particle physics exhibition and a BYOPD event, Garching (22 October 2016)
“Sydney Science Festival”
hosting an in-depth ATLAS-model building workshop as part of the Sydney Science Festival, Sydney (20 – 21 August 2016)
“2016 LMU CERN Student Excursion”
organising and hosting a CERN tour and full-day visit for about 40 LMU Students, Geneva (20 – 22 July 2016)
“Science Night Geneva”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, Geneva (9 – 10 July 2016)
“International Masterclasses 2016”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (25 February 2016)
“Building Blocks of the Universe – using stackable plastic bricks to impart knowledge in particle physics”
public note about BYOPD and the ATLAS LEGO model (5 October 2015)
“CERN PopScience at FNAC Balexert”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event at the European Researches’ Night, Geneva (25 September 2015)
“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft in Garching”
organisation of / guide at the experimental particle physics exhibition and a BYOPD event, Garching (27 June 2015)
“Die Teilchen-Nadel im Daten-Heuhaufen finden”
talk at the annual DFDDA meeting, Deggendorf (19 June 2015)
“International Masterclasses 2015”
moderation and supervision at the masterclass, Munich (23 March 2015)
official contributor to the ‘Collider’ exhibition at Palais de la Découverte, Paris (17 October 2014 – 19 July 2015)
“CERN PopScience at FNAC Rive”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event at the European Researches’ Night, Geneva (26 September 2014)
“Tag der Forschung am Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event at a research day, Geesthacht (20 September 2014)
“ATLAS LEGO Challenge!”
hosting a brick-sorting event at CERN, Geneva (17-21 February 2014)
“Discovery Center Annual Report”
contributing chapters about outreach and the “Higgs on Bricks” event, Copenhagen (December 2013)
“Higgs on Bricks”
Peter Higgs signing an ATLAS LEGO model during Foundation Day at University of Manchester, Manchester (16 October 2013)
organising the particle physics exhibition at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (11 October 2013)
“CERN Open Days 2013”
hosting a ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ event, ATLAS-Guide, CERN (28/29 September 2013)
“Origins 2013”
several physics speed-dates, CERN (27 September 2013)
ATLAS model construction at University of Bergen
building the ATLAS models together with high school students at the University of Bergen (7-10 August 2013)
“Build Your Own Particle Detector”
seeting up a platform (www.build-your-own-particle-detector.org) for the programme (24 July 2013)
“Passeport Big Bang” Inauguration
organisation/running of the “Build your own particle detector” station, CERN (2 June 2013)
organising the particle physics exhibition at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (12 October 2012)
ATLAS model construction at CERN
building and advertising the ATLAS model at CERN (26/27 September 2012)
“Public hangout at ICHEP”
taking part in a joined public ATLAS and CMS Q’n’A Google hangout in Melbourne (7 July 2012)
“LHC exhibition at Melbourne Planetarium”
taking part in the organisation, Museum Victoria Melbourne (June/July 2012)
“Tag der Weltmaschine – Science Slam”
participant in the science slam, Urania Berlin (23 December 2011)
“ATLAS LEGO model”
designing and building a 1:50 LEGO model of the ATLAS detector (October/November 2011)
guide at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (14 October 2011)
“Big Bang”
guide in the “Big Bang” exhibition, Experimentarium Copenhagen (11 January 2011)
“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin und Potsdam”
guide at the Physics Institute, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (5 June 2010)
“Tag der Wissenschaften am Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Wittenberge”
talk about the physics and technique(s) of the LHC, Marie-Curie-Gymnasium Wittenberge (13 November 2009)
“MINT-Experimentier-Camp 2009 der Stiftung Deutsche Wirtschaft e.V.”
guide for teachers and students in the exhibition, DESY (6 November 2009)
Official CERN Guide
(ATLAS, CAST, CMS, Computing Center, LEIR/LEAR, LHCb, Linac2, SM18)
Guide to various CERN experiments, CERN (2009)
guide in the exhibition, subway station Bundestag (1/2 November 2008)
“LHC-Startup BMBF Press Conference”
press conference, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (10 September 2008)
“Physik zum Frühstück”
Q&A about physics, DESY (13 July 2008)
“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin und Potsdam”
guide in the “LHC-Train”, S41 LHC-Train (14 June 2008)
“CERN Open Day 2008”
ATLAS guide, CERN (6 April 2008)
“Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin und Potsdam”
guide at the Physics Institute, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (9 June 2007)
guide at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (13 October 2006)