Be a sponsor

… a sponsor of what you might ask.

Following an idea similar to the sponsor programme of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin,  we started giving people the chance to support items of our private furniture collection.

With a simple one-time donation, you as a donor will make it possible to finance the acquisition, maintenance and preservation of pieces of furniture in our apartment. On top of that, each sponsor will be immortalised by having his/her name stated on the godfather piece and will get the chance to visit the piece (upon prior request). About two times a year, there will sponsorship days, were donors will get the chance to look behind the scenes and get a tour of all exhibits (taken or still available), including one or the other story about them.

How do I become a sponsor?

Simply pay us a visit or have a look at the list below, find an item you like and drop me an email.

The collection

This is just a few pieces from the collection, get in touch if you are looking for something else/special.

Name Room Description Sponsor
Antonius Antonius bedroom drying rack (white)
160x72x72 cm
* looking for a sponsor (12 €) *
Askholmen Askholmen balcony table (dark wood)
70x44x71 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
dummy Barr archived wine rack (wood)
22x22x78 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
BakvämShelf Bekväm archived spice rack (wood)
40x10x135 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
BekvämSide Bekväm balcony side table (wood)
60x50x85 cm
* looking for a sponsor (19 €) *
Benno Benno living room CD/DVD shelf (white)
20x17x202 cm
Benno Benno living room CD/DVD shelf (white)
20x17x202 cm
Kerstin & Basti
Benno Benno living room CD/DVD shelf (white)
20x17x202 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
Benno Bertil living room chair (wood)
39x49x87 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Benno Bertil kitchen chair (wood)
39x49x87 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Benno Bertil kitchen chair (wood)
39x49x87 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Beskåda Beskåda kids’ room curtain rod (black)
210-385 cm
Lea, Michael & Bastian
BillyLow Billy living room shelf (white)
40x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (9 €) *
BillyLow Billy Morebo living room shelf (white)
40x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (9 €) *
BillyLow Billy living room shelf (white)
40x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (9 €) *
BillyLow Billy Morebo living room shelf (white)
80x28x106 cm
Katrin, Martin & Luise
BillyLow Billy living room shelf (white)
80x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (13 €) *
BillyLow Billy Morebo hallway cupboard (dark brown)
80x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (22 €) *
BillyLow Billy Morebo hallway cupboard (dark brown)
80x28x106 cm
* looking for a sponsor (22 €) *
BillyHigh Billy living room shelf (white)
60x28x202 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
BillyHigh Billy living room shelf (white)
80x28x202 cm
Kerstin & Basti
BillyHigh Billy hallway shelf (white)
80x39x202 cm
* looking for a sponsor (35 €) *
dummy Chic archived wardrobe (white/dark brown)
220x60x200 cm
Sigrid & Walter
DuktigLow Duktig kids’ room kid’s kitchen (wood)
72x20x50 cm
* looking for a sponsor (43 €) *
Expedit Expedit kids’ room shelf (dark brown)
185x39x185 cm
* looking for a sponsor (75 €) *
Fado Fado kids’ room desk lamp (white)
25x25x23 cm
* looking for a sponsor (5 €) *
FaktumCorner Faktum kitchen corner cupboard (white)
120x60x86 cm
* looking for a sponsor (68 €) *
FaktumDrawer Faktum kitchen drawer cupboard (white)
60x60x86 cm
* looking for a sponsor (88 €) *
FaktumFridge Faktum kitchen fridge cupboard (white)
60x60x211 cm
* looking for a sponsor (76 €) *
FaktumHanger Faktum kitchen cupboard hanger (white)
60x36x70 cm
* looking for a sponsor (23 €) *
FaktumHanger Faktum kitchen cupboard hanger (white)
60x36x70 cm
* looking for a sponsor (23 €) *
FaktumHanger Faktum kitchen cupboard hanger (white)
60x36x70 cm
* looking for a sponsor (23 €) *
FaktumOvenMW Faktum kitchen oven cupboard (white)
60x60x211 cm
* looking for a sponsor (56 €) *
FaktumSink Faktum kitchen sink cupboard (white)
60x60x86 cm
* looking for a sponsor (35 €) *
FaktumStove Faktum kitchen stove cupboard (white)
60x60x86 cm
* looking for a sponsor (35 €) *
Fillsta Fillsta bedroom lamp (white)
35x35x35 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
Fintorp Fintorp kitchen small hanger (white)
13x13x13 cm
* looking for a sponsor (3 €) *
Fintorp Fintorp kitchen small hanger (white)
13x13x13 cm
* looking for a sponsor (3 €) *
Fintorp Fintorp kitchen large hanger (white)
37x13x12 cm
* looking for a sponsor (6 €) *
Fintorp Fintorp kitchen hanger/rod (black)
79x6x6 cm
* looking for a sponsor (4 €) *
Fintorp Fintorp kitchen hanger/rod (black)
79x6x6 cm
* looking for a sponsor (4 €) *
Forså Forså living room desk lamp (black)
70x15x15 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
GrundtalCorner Grundtal bathroom shower shelf (silver)
20x20x65 cm
Lea, Michael & Bastian
GrundtalMagnetOld Grundtal kitchen knife holder (silver)
53x1x4 cm
Lea, Michael & Bastian
Gulliver Gulliver archived child’s bed (wood)
123x66x80 cm
Sigrid & Walter
Gulliver Gulliver kids’ room child’s bed (wood)
165x75x65 cm
* looking for a sponsor (65 €) *
Gulliver Humlare office ATLS LEGO model bag (green)
100x35x35 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Gulliver Humlare office ATLS LEGO model bag (green)
100x35x35 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Gulliver Humlare office ATLS LEGO model bag (green)
100x35x35 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
Hushålla Hushålla kitchen microwave (black/silver)
60x32x35 cm
* looking for a sponsor (175 €) *
IngoFold Ingo archived folding table (wood)
60x75x73 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
Ingo Ingo archived table (wood)
120x75x73 cm
Sigrid & Walter
Isande Isande kitchen fridge (white)
???x??x?? cm
* looking for a sponsor (400 €) *
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
IvarChair Ivar archived chair (wood)
41x50x95 cm
Jansjö Jansjö lamp (silver)
12x12x60 cm
Dina & Gorm
Kallax Kallax hallway shelf (white)
177x77x39 cm
* looking for a sponsor (30 €) *
dummy Kompisar kids’ room mattress frame (white)
374×21 cm
Sigrid & Walter
Lack Lack  archived shelf (dark brown)
110x26x5 cm
Marion & Aurélien
dummy Lack bedroom table (dark brown)
55x55x45 cm
* looking for a sponsor (3 €) *
dummy Lack archived table (dark brown)
55x55x45 cm
* looking for a sponsor (3 €) *
Lätt Lätt kids’ room table/chair (wood)
63x48x45 cm
Dina & Gorm
Leka Leka archived baby gym (birch, multicoloured)
25x11x25 cm
LidenSide Liden living room side table (birch)
44x65x33 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
LidenShelf Liden archived shelf (birch)
120x120x29 cm
* looking for a sponsor (15 €) *
LidenTable Liden living room table (birch)
110x60x45 cm
LidenTV Liden living room TV bench (birch)
120x50x29 cm
Lillberg Lillberg living room couch (birch/white)
188x93x75 cm
Sigrid & Walter
Lycksele Lycksele Lövås kids’ room couch (white)
142x100x87 cm
Sigrid & Walter
MalmBed Malm bedroom bed (dark brown)
211x177x77 cm
MalmCommode Malm kids’ room commode (dark brown)
80x48x123 cm
* looking for a sponsor (45 €) *
MalmCommode Malm kids’ room commode (dark brown)
80x48x123 cm
* looking for a sponsor (45 €) *
Melodi Melodi hallway lamp (white)
28x28x26 cm
Melodi Melodi hallway lamp (white)
28x28x26 cm
Dina & Gorm
Melodi Melodi hallway lamp (white)
28x28x26 cm
* looking for a sponsor (7 €) *
Maala Måla archived stand (wood)
43x62x118 cm
* looking for a sponsor (9 €) *
dummy Näve living room lamp (wood)
40x40x40 cm
* looking for a sponsor (25 €) *
dummy Norden kitchen bench (wood)
150x35x45 cm
Ari & Rando
dummy Norden kitchen table (wood)
155x90x74 cm
* looking for a sponsor (30 €) *
dummy Norma archived bench (white/wood)
73x33x45 cm
Marion & Aurélien
dummy Norma archived bench (white/wood)
73x33x45 cm
* looking for a sponsor (20 €) *
Pello Pello archived armchair (white/wood)
67x85x96 cm
Jule, Till, Luka & Apollo
Pello Pello archived armchair (white/wood)
67x85x96 cm
Jule, Till, Luka & Apollo
Poäng Poäng living room armchair (white/wood)
47x60x68 cm
* looking for a sponsor (10 €) *
Poäng Poäng living room armchair (grey/wood)
68x82x100 cm
* looking for a sponsor (45 €) *
Poäng Poäng living room armchair (grey/wood)
68x82x100 cm
* looking for a sponsor (45 €) *
PrägelShort Prägel kitchen worktop (nut tree)
186x62x4 cm
* looking for a sponsor (20 €) *
PrägelShort Prägel kitchen worktop (nut tree)
242x62x4 cm
* looking for a sponsor (25 €) *
Raffinerad Raffinerad kitchen oven (black/silver)
60x56x59 cm
* looking for a sponsor (170 €) *
Renlig Renlig kitchen washing machine (white)
60x54x82 cm
* looking for a sponsor (275 €) *
Rutbo Rutbo living room standard lamp (white)
40x26x160 cm
* looking for a sponsor (25 €) *
Silveraan Silveraan bathroom corner cupboard (wood)
40x32x172 cm
* looking for a sponsor (57 €) *
Silveraan Silveraan bathroom mirror cupboard (wood)
40x32x172 cm
* looking for a sponsor (35 €) *
Skinande Skinande kitchen dish washer (white)
60x56x82 cm
* looking for a sponsor (250 €) *
Skyar Skyar bedroom lamp set (white/silver)
18x18x53/24x24x173 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
Smaklig Smaklig kitchen stove (black)
59x52x5 cm
* looking for a sponsor (220 €) *
SolstaPällbo Solsta Pällbo living room stool (white)
39x39x38 cm
Janine, Lisa, Nele, Nicole, Christoph & Holger
SolstaPällbo Solsta Pällbo living room stool (white)
39x39x38 cm
* looking for a sponsor (6 €) *
Tross Tross bathroom lamp (white)
36x15x15 cm
* looking for a sponsor (4 €) *
Tross Trofast kids’ room shelf/table (wood)
94x44x52 cm
* looking for a sponsor (45 €) *
VikaAlex Vika Alex cupboard (white)
36x58x70 cm
Nicole & Janine
dummy Vyssa Vinka kids’ room mattress
120x60x10 cm
Sigrid & Walter

In rare cases some of the items will have to be archived for varying reasons. Sponsors can ask for adequate replacements.