After deciding to go to Germany one day earlier than planed and arriving at 5am, after a 7h drive, I had the amzing amount of 4h of sleep. After some dinner with my parents, meeting some friends, incl. Julie and going to bed at 1am I again had a great night (3h). Because I had to get up at 4am to catch my plain to Basel (CH) at 6h40am.
Enjoying my plesent flight next to some smelly girls, that probably demostrated against globalization the whole night by drinking beer, I toke the train to Brugg (CH) and waited for the rest of the group, lying around in the sun at 34 degrees. Then we took the Postbus to Villingen/PSI (CH) and checked in to our rooms in the hostel at PSI. After a first introduction, a security exam and getting some radiation batches we immediately started our first experiment using the RITA2 instrument. It was fun and the scenery is quite impressive, with all that huge machines. Not so funny was the fact that it lasted until 2am the next morning….
So again another greate night… anyway.
At least today we could sleep until 10am (almost 8h)…
And now we’re back at the machine looking at out over-night-scan-data and doing some new experiments…
I just have some minutes free, so that’s why I’m writing…