Since last week it’s official! I am going back to Copenhagen, working on ATLAS physics and some more in the high energy physics group at the Niels Bohr Institute. More details will follow …
Category Archives: Copenhagen
Weired physics
I almost forgot to give a little update on new things happening in my field … Holger B. Nielsen is back with some new/updated theories!
He made it into the NY Times and to
Master Certificate
I finally received my master certificate from the University of Copenhagen!
Something for the physicists
One of the very special professors in Copenhagen just published a very interesting article about the “Search for Future Influence from L.H.C“…
Just have a look… it’s quite amusing!
The snow is after me [update]
Is it an omen?
Last night we got heavy snowstroms in the north-eastern part of Denmark… unfortunately including the airport in Copenhagen…
Which implicated that my Supervisor couldn’t get the flight he intended to :-(
We’ll see if he gets here until tomorrow…
I seem to have a problem with snow this winter… hmm
after some (or maybe a lot) delay, Heike, my sister and father and Troels are finally here