Category Archives: Cities

First Sponsorship Day 2007 + Rugby World Cup Final

Today was our first “Sponsorship Day 2007”: a celebration for everyone giving financial support to our acquisitions related to our new flat!
Roughly half a year ago we asked people to take a sponsorship for one (or more) of our furnitures. And today we had a little dedication party for those guys ;-)
An idea inspired by the Berlin Museum of Natural History and it’s sponsorship program (German webpage).
Btw. there are still objects looking for a sponsor or a personal godfather if you like…

Afterwards we watched the Rugby World Cup Final (England vs. South Africa) along with a number of people not being able to state a single rule in rugby… but hey, you gotta be open minded!

New faces

(700x1000mm each)

Meet “Walter”, “The Dude” and “Donny” … guys/pictures now decorating our hallway, inspired by/stolen from Thierry Noir.
He painted his “Mauer-Eierköpfe” (Berlin Wall Egg-Heads) on the Berlin wall starting 1990, I painted our’s this weekend ;-).
These were still not the last frames to be filled in our “new” flat …

I am the new Godfather

Yes… you read right! You are reading the blog of the new Godfather…
to be a bit more precise, I am the new Godfather for little Luise, the daughter of two friends of mine (greetz!), who in an insane moment decided that I would be a good guide for poor little Luise… ha! well joke aside! I’m actually be BIT proud… *bigsmile*