Category Archives: Cities

Half Six

wow… you’re so not gonna believe this, but I am actually at work at 6h30…
why?! good question!
well… I had a friend (the guy that offered me the job in Paris) visiting Troels’ place (btw. Troels is not here!) for one night, passing through from Les Houches to Marseille…
and his train is leaving at 6h40 this morning!

and since Troels’ floor boards are quite loud… here I am!

this is gonna be so productive ;-)

CERN Football Club

Yesterday has been my second game for the Pepperonies team in the CERN football league… well to be honest, it should have been… I guess due to the heavy rain, the other team (P&G) didn’t show up.. so we won with an amazing 3-0 this time… better than the last game we drew 1-1 against GoZ0 last time… btw. I scored the one goal saving the point… yeeha!

Fête de la musique Genève 2007

Another music festival in Geneva…
sort of saved my weekend from being totally spoiled by working too much ;-)

Quite a number of different stages with artists ranging from interpretive dancing, over hip-hop (which is sometimes funny in french), to electronic music… guess were I spent most of the time!?

Made another “You have to see it once on your own”-experience…
ever heard of Max Tundra? Amazing! I guess “experimental” would be the best description of his style… you can have a little impression at the official Max Tundra webpage or his myspace page.

Now I am gonna do some more work, then head for the lake and maybe some more Fête de la musique afterwards…

New Poster

Finally one of my birthday presents made it up the wall (right in the middle of the sleeping/working room)… well okay it has been there for some days now, but I only managed to express my happyness using this blog now!
It was pain in the a to actually get hold of the poster since it’s only sold in the states and the international support sort of doesn’t exist…
anyhow… isn’t it beautiful?!

New apartment

Yes, it has been a while… some strange long silence in the blog!
But now I am almost back…

Today we handed over our old apartment and I am still busy setting up the new one… but there’s some progress…

Due to the moving my internet connection was down for a while and is still not up by now… have to wait till Friday, dammit… I admit, I am a junky…

Now I am sitting in the NewZealandCafe close to our new home using the free WLAN connection to at least do this post… not that you think this blog is dead…

Well… hopefully I’ll be back on Friday, when my internet is back up…
btw I am starting to teach by Friday as well… looking forward to it…
