Category Archives: Cities

CERN > Freiburg > Wuppertal > Berlin

The way back from the glaciers of the French alps we (Heike and me) started with an enjoyable night on the floor of Esbens CERN hostel room (thanx again) … as it turned out this was not the right way to recover after a day of snowboarding …

The next step on the journey was Freiburg where we were visiting some friends of mine I met at a summer university this year …
After dropping of Heike at the train-station (she had to go back to Berlin) I enjoyed another day in Freiburg and continued my journey …

The last stop before Berlin was the beautiful city of Wuppertal…
Climbing some hills, eating cookies, visiting the university built in the adorable style of the 70s and of course taking the “Schwebebahn Wuppertal” … this thing is over 100 years old! And for all you train-geeks here’s a little video

Another small reunion

… this time in Copenhagen… Pedro my good old Portuguese friend is currently in Copenhagen to spend some days and have an interview for a PhD position at DTU… on the picture you see him touching his most favourite yellow cemetery wall… *nevermindheisstillaniceguybutaphysicistsowhatdoyouexpect*

Reaching the limit…

After Troels’ Good Bye party yesterday evening and a horribly short night I had a nice brunch with Troels and looked forward to another (final) good sail… since the weather was nice and the wind was good.
Unfortunately it was too good… after enjoying the first 20min of the trip, I started to dislike the idea of sailing and another 10min later I filled a bag with the brunch I just got in the morning… the crew, which decided to return by then, and me, not feeling my hands for a while (how strange is that?), tried to enjoy the rest of the trip (as much as we could)…
Safely back on solid ground (and lying on the pier for a while) we went on to the NBI and finished the first official version of our (hopefully soon) ATLAS note: “A probability based approach to PID in the TRT detector of ATLAS”.


And now Troels is off to Australia…
Greetz, enjoy and see/hear you soon!

Royal Football and white walls

Damn… I’m a bit exhausted!
Yesterday I was invited to play some football at the Royal Danish Life Guards football pitch (the pitch is guarded by these guys too… wouw!?) and afterwards I decided to help Troels to paint half of his flat… and we finished at about 2h00 in the morning… and finally my damn algorithm is giving me the creeps these days.