Today I made the final decision and rejected the job/master thesis offer I got from the surface science group in Berlin. Unfortunately I still don’t have a room in Copenhagen. But as I read some days ago: “Physicists have a genetic defect, which makes them way to optimistic”. So, here we go…
Category Archives: Cities
“Fernweh” is the german word for the opposite of homesickness, sometimes translated as wanderlust or itchy feet… but these words just don’t fit the german one… anyway!
Here are the news and the reason why I’m writing that stuff about “Fernweh”:
I’m going back to the Niels Bohr Institute beginning of march this year. It more or less only depends on the fact whether I’ll have an apartment or not. And I’m optimistic…
So I’m looking forward to have all of you visiting me in Copenhagen ;-)
Future and Christmas
It’s been a long time again…
I’m gettin kind of sloppy with my little weblog… sorry for that!
But there are is at least a reason for this sloppyness…
I already started studying for my exams in Berlin, even though I started thinking about doing my degree just in Copenhagen and get a pure danish Master…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all readers…
I’m writing that now, since I don’t know if will be able to write another entry before Christmas… and then I’m leaving for my longed for snowboard holidays…
Peace and read you next year!
And the days pass by
I just realized that my last entry is already twenty days old…
Which brought up the idea of writing a new one, even if I don’t really know what to write about… since almost everything is still the same.
Well, some things changed and some things happened…
Like the great India-Pictures-BBQ we had on our balcony at about 2 degrees celcius. That was just cool (in all meanings). Today I had my second day of my practical work in the surface science group at my institute, which was again (like the first one) a bit strange… on the one hand I didn’t like it, cause I didn’t do much more than some adjusting of the experiment and a lot of reading. On the other hand I liked it, cause I wasn’t able to read/work enough yesterday… which is btw still for my “little” presentation on Quark-Gluon-Plasma in my seminar in experimental physics.
QGP is really cool and interesting, but I just hate the theory behind all that stuff…
latticeQCD, come on!?
I guess that’s enough writing from someone who doesn’t know what to write… ;-)
btw I’m thinking about another freezing BBQ! Who wants to join
The trouble goes on
I’m stil having some trouble with my studies back here in good old germany… after having had my little exam to get some of my courses from Denmark accepted, I’m now fighting for some credits that I need to be allowed to take one of my big exams at the end of my studies. In addition to that I’m struggling with the decision which exam to take first… I can choose between experimental and theoretical physics and a selectable subject, which is most likely surface sciences. The plan is to do two of these in the next holidays (which are in February/March).
I just don’t know?!?
Anyway… besides all that stuff I had a nice slideshow-halloween-weekend, meeting up with some mates to look at a shit load of pictures my girlfriend took in India and celebrating the scary event of halloween, one day early.
I’ll upload some pictures later on.
For all of you who know… it reminded me a bit of the CERN kitchen parades (dressed up drinking).
May the boogie be with you… Peace