Category Archives: DESY

Science Night and The LHC Express

Yesterday (June 14th 2008) I was guide in the LHC Express at the Science Night in Berlin.
The LHC Express was a pimped city train (S-Bahn) that was circling the city ring from about 16h00 till 1h00. After my three hours shift, explaining the LHC and it’s connected experiments as well as the physics behind all this to the visitors/public, I had problems speaking …
With some minor issues/problems/difficulties I still think it was a big success.

Links in German: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, S-Bahn

Meet and Greet with Peter Jenni

Yesterday I had a little meet and greet with Peter Jenni, the spokesman of the ATLAS experiment. He has given a sort of “understandable-for-everyone” talk in the Helmholtz Lectures Program at Humboldt-University of Berlin. Afterwards we’ve been invited to a little reception, where I had the chance to talk a bit to our btw. very nice spokesman about this and that … unfortunately no pictures have been made this evening :-(

New Office

Finally we managed to get into our new “ATLAS TopOffice” in one of the old villas at DESY Zeuthen with an even nicer view on the lake than I had before :-)
Besides this inprovement we also got new computers and screens and everything … wooow!
Unfortunately I still have to do work there ;-)

German bureaucracy and the trouble about my badminton class

I just got some incredibly stupid piece of information…
As some of you might know I was/am struggling to set up my badminton class, after coming back to Berlin… to remind you, this happened in March!

Well… here’s the whole story wrapped up:

  1. some stupid janitor removed all the barriers I put in front of the fire exit, that were supposed to prevent even more stupid people to get into the gym
  2. some even more stupid people now found their way into the gym (how did that happen?) and put up a fire in it…
  3. some very surprised bureaucrats decided to take down the gym
  4. again some bureaucrats go surprised, this time because they found out that they actually had an insurance that would cover all that sh**
  5. the gym got reconstructed, reopened and closed just one day after, due to some broken water pipe now flooding the gym
  6. again some bureaucrats found out that they actually have an insurance
  7. the gym got reconstructed again
  8. of course it got reopened as well, but
  9. and that’s the best part: the local government decided that 20 gyms in the area have to be taken down… and guess what!

Is there anyone out there that can explain these kind of things to me?

btw. sorry to all badminton fans out there, but I am trying hard to set things up again… but you have wait some more days!