After a very nice and long trip from CERN to Aix (which costs 35EUR btw) I had an interesting guided tour through Aix, met some tourists from Copenhagen and Sydney that gave me their email and postal addresses for my future visits… then I enjoyed the beautiful countryside of the Provence and the Verdon canyon.
The next day started a bit worse… I found my car with a hole in the front window… I’m lovin’ it! Anyway… after some calls and hearing the police say: “We’re busy, you hqve to come tomorrow!” We (greetz to Julie and Melissa) went on to see the mediterian sea (following the original plan) and the Cardargue national park… also very nice countryside.
Today I “enjoyed” a french law lecture… whereas I have to admit that I was reading most of the time (thanks to Andy for the book)… but it was fun…
In the moment I’m suffering the pain of writing this up standing in front of a pc with a f***ing french keyboard…
Anyway I “love” france…
Since I don’t have a proper connection the pictures will follow later…