Category Archives: Munich


… well … at least a little bit of entertainment.
I was volunteered to call 112, smash the window and hit the fire alarm button at the institute today … yeah :)

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Musical welcome to Munich

After about a month in town I finally had my musical welcome … Laurent Garnier was playing at Rote Sonne yesterday night!

Business as usual (in the good way), it was a loud night, it was a long night, it was a great night. Though in fact he ‘only’ played for about four hours this time. Dunno what got into him ;) It’s just particularly funny as the location (which was quite nice btw.) announced the gig with, amongst other, the following quote: “Selten endet ein Set von ihm vor sechs Stunden”. Meaning that, rarely one of his sets is shorter than six hours!? In his defence, the club was already quite empty when he stopped around six in the morning.

Anyways, it was good to see that he would at least show up in Munich (not necessarily famous for electronic music).

As said, the location, Rote Sonne, was quite decent. Sensible sound, the usual amount of annoying I-need-to stand-still-on-the-dance-floor-with-my-drink-in-my-hand, I-need-to-score-tonight and we-need-to-dance-in-a-circle people, but around four in the morning most of that sorted itself out.

It f****ed up my Saturday morning, but I am happy :)

Time to move … and sponsor …

Time to move has been my motto for the past couple of weeks and will most likely continue to be so for a few more weeks to come. Most things are in fact already arranged for and just need to be done now … though the latter is usually the harder part.

Anyways, tomorrow will be my last day in Copenhagen! At least for as long as I am currently planing ahead.
Btw. thanks to everyone helping us with the move!

As for our previous two relocations and as kind of an evolving tradition, we are currently running another round of furniture sponsoring for our new apartment. So please consider becoming a sponsor to help us sustain a nice home for our stuff ;)

You can find all the details on my dedicated sponsoring page.

Fitted kitchen

There’s a first time for everything … today, for the first time, I had the pleasure to buy a fitted kitchen. Well pleasure is maybe exaggerated, excitement might fit better. The design phase had its ups and downs, the shopping part was easy, the paying was tough, currently I am simply waiting … and that’s boring in a empty apartment. If all works out (and let’s hope it does), I should have all parts in my apartment today and someone put them together on Wednesday morning (together with the guy hooking me up to the internet).

And by the way, if you are wondering what to do about our birthdays … we are restarting our furniture sponsorship programme ;)

[Update 06.04.14] In fact I got everything except the door handles :|
