Category Archives: Hobbies

World Cup Gamble and Patriotism

Tough weekend… four results that almost nobody could foresee!

The german female gambler being in the lonely lead at the beginning of the weekend (my lovely girlfriend) got caught up and my good friend from down under was actually right with his public announced bet on the Brazil game (even though he completely failed in the other ones)…

But I like the “patriotic” “Go Pacific!!!” attitude…

in Germany some people think patriotism is something that we still can’t take liberty of…
a discussion that just came up again, caused by the heaps of german flags out in the streets.

What it’s like to be a sailor…

picture taken from… today I at least got a bit closer to the answer to that question!
Instead of watching the France-Switzerland game I accepted Troels’ sponteaneous offer to go sailing… which in many ways turned out to be the right decision. First the game must have been somewhat boring (0:0) and second, the trip was just great… beautiful weather, windy enough to sail but not to windy to get seasick (which I was a bit afraid of)…

so just a perfect afternoon…

… unfortunately the evening (Brazil game) wasn’t as exciting…<

I wanna be the “Kaiser”

when it comes to football, than Germany still has an emperor (ger. Kaiser), which is Mr. Beckenbauer, the head of the World Cup Organisation Committee… just for explanation

he has been in the stadium for all games played so far… who the hell is paying for that?
today there were three games in three different cities,,, but still the Kaiser was there…

I wanna be the “Kaiser”!