Category Archives: Video editing

ATLAS detector slice

In addition to new animated logos for video productions of the ATLAS Collaboration, I have been working on a revised, 1080p version of the animated ATLAS detector slice, showing the interaction of different particles inside the ATLAS detector.

Here’s a low-resolution preview …

… you can find the full-resolution version, along with still vector images of the empty detector slice, on the CERN Documents Server (CDS) now (stills and animated GIFs are here).

Note: The detector slice is based on earlier work/versions by Rebecca Pitt and Joao Pequenao.

Working on Motion skills

In addition to working on my video-editing skills in Final Cut Pro X recently, I have also spent some time looking into Motion by Apple to design a few drafts for new animated logos for the ATLAS Collaboration.

We’ve already used a first draft for one of the animations in our recent summary of the ATLAS ICHEP 2020 highlights and I am still working a few more ideas.

Continue reading Working on Motion skills

Working on the Final Cut

I spent the last couple of days working on my Final Cut Pro X skills, preparing some videos for the ICHEP 2020 communication campaign of the ATLAS Collaboration.

We have asked some of our conference speakers, presenting some of the physics highlights of ATLAS during the conference to answer a few questions about their talk and the featured results and put together five video clips to be featured on the ATLAS Facebook page and in shorter teasers on the ATLAS Twitter channel.

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