Category Archives: CERN

Latest and greatest from ATLAS and CMS


This week ATLAS and CMS have presented their latest and greatest in results obtained with the 13 TeV data set recorded in 2015. Quite an event with some interesting, though not yet exciting, results. Yet the theory community, or at least parts therein, got a bit crazy about some of the results.

I guess we’ll have to wait for our publication aiming for Moriond 2016 to get to the really interesting stuff ;)
Just kidding … well, the last part is true, we are aiming for first public results in March 2016.

PopScience, BYOPD and PhD Comics

Yesterday, we had another PopScience BYOPD event in Geneva. While it was a bit calm in the morning it ended up quite nice with a decent number of visitors/participants in the afternoon. In fact, I had Jorge Cham, creator of PhD Comics,  joining the competition. Unfortunately, I missed his talk and the showing of the PhD Movie sequel the day before. Luckily, I could make it up with a nice autograph from him (see below).
For the actual European researchers’ night, there were discussion of the physics in movies such as Gravity, Interstellar, Star Trek or Angels & Demons as well as a screening of Particle Fever and a discussion with some of physics cast.

Bang!!! 13 TeV

Earlier today the Large Hadron Collider, for the first time ever, reached collisions at 13 TeV centre-of-mass energy.
We’re not yet fully back in physics operation, but only about two weeks away (according to the current schedule).

It’s getting more and more exciting and more and more busy these days :)
Here’s a few images of the LHC configuration and events in ATLAS, from earlier today.

Continue reading Bang!!! 13 TeV