Category Archives: Cities

Über den Wolken …

Last weekend planes just passed Erik’s test as a suitable mean of transportation on his path to conquer the world.

We were invited to a beautiful wedding (congratz to Julie & Jacob again) in Geneva and for obvious reasons decided to go with the plane solution. It turned out to work really well … besides a few minor details maybe, mostly related to the check-in of the pram and such things. We had really nice weather and even got sunburned (not the little one, of course) walking the city of Geneva.

Due to the successful test, many more flights (and also more weddings) will follow this summer :)

Transit of Venus

Thanks to my little one I actually managed to be awake for the last transit of Venus in this century … yeah! He also gave me enough time to set up my telescope and after some breakfast (at least for him) also to follow the happening for almost two hours until the little black dot disappeared at about 6:55 am.


After quite some time, here’s another update on the movies side … and it is also my first payed rental movie from the iTunes Store. “Unknown” features quite a nice story in a very nice setting, being Berlin. It’s about a man who, after awakening from a coma, has to find out that someone has taken his identity … I wont write more, not to spoil a movie worth seeing.

Love the statement, hate the fact

“Erst wenn die letzte Eigentumswohnung gebaut, der letzte Klub abgerissen, der letzte Freiraum zerstört ist, werdet Ihr feststellen, dass der Prenzlauer Berg die Kleinstadt geworden ist, aus der ihr mal geflohen seid.”

Which translates into something like:

“Only when the last condominium built, the last club demolished, the last free space destroyed, you will find that Prenzlauer Berg has become the small town you once fled from.”

Is the beautiful, but sad statement that was made on a banner in the window of “Klub der Republik”, the latest addition in clubs closed down in Berlin. A sad tradition that has been going on for quite some time, in favour of peaceful living in expensive apartments in Prenzlauer Berg.

There is a full article about dying clubs in Berlin, specifically in Prenzlauer Berg, in a recent issue of Berliner Morgenpost (link). It’s in German though (for a change ;)