Category Archives: Cities


After treading water for a too long time, I finally made up my mind and came to a decision concerning my (near) future! I guess it probably was the hardest I ever had to take.

Not to put you on the rack for too long…
its not Copenhagen,
its not Paris,
its not Freiburg,

Right! I’m gonna stay in Berlin for (at least) the next three years! It was a tough decision and took a while to be made.
Anyway… now I’m gonna do my Ph.D. at Humboldt-University of Berlin and DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in Zeuthen.
It will be about top-quark physics and data-quality monitoring using the higher-level-trigger of ATLAS.

And since this is not enough!
I’m also moving, since we already cancelled our old apartment, due to the fact that I would end up in Freiburg according to the original plan.
The new apartment, located in Berlin-Friedrichshain, will of course be opened with a little house-warming party… I’ll give more details!

The snow is after me [update]

Is it an omen?
Last night we got heavy snowstroms in the north-eastern part of Denmark… unfortunately including the airport in Copenhagen…
Which implicated that my Supervisor couldn’t get the flight he intended to :-(
We’ll see if he gets here until tomorrow…

I seem to have a problem with snow this winter… hmm

after some (or maybe a lot) delay, Heike, my sister and father and Troels are finally here

Holidays… suck! [update][update]

damn… well that’s a start!
I am sitting at the airport in Copenhagen waiting for the flight that was scheduled 45min ago…
and even better… now its scheduled for 13h50…
yap, right… four hours late

13h50… that’s also roughly the time when my connection coach is about to leave Stansted…
I am really enjoying my holidays so far…

well, now it has been cancelled!
the best alternative they could offer was Sunday morning…
honestly that’s what they offered looking at my ticket with return flight on Monday morning…

I AM PISSED! and not going to Oxford btw!

I wont get back the money for the coach I booked in advance…

Writing my thesis

Since I had some complains about me not writing anything in my blog for a while and people gettin upset about it… here we go!
Unfortunately I don’t do a lot these days besides writing and working, ergo there’s not much to write about! So I uploaded a picture of my desk/workplace/home ;-)

Well, you gotta cheer me up with some nice comments ;-)