A little roadtrip and photo diary from our trip to Portugal in August 2024.
Some more details and captions might follow at some point .. otherwise just ask me ;)
A little roadtrip and photo diary from our trip to Portugal in August 2024.
Some more details and captions might follow at some point .. otherwise just ask me ;)
This week, I went to Minneapolis to represent Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) at the annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS).
Unfortunately, I had to leave a bit earlier than anticipated, due to the union strikes in Germany.
Last week, I took part in the “International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis” (SC23) to represent Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) and all of its activities at the booth of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ).
Fortunately, there was also a bit of time to see Denver and do some geocaching ;)
A little roadtrip and picture diary of our Iceland trip in August 2023.
Until and including Egilsstaðir we drove a Dacia Duster, which then had to be changed to a Toyota Landcruiser due to issues with the first car.
Some more details and captions might follow at some point .. otherwise just ask me ;)
We spent the last two weeks, and part of the summer holidays, in Italy ..
Passing by Lake Garda, we spent one night close to Verona, to then cross the Po plain, have a hiking stop at the Stone of Bismantova and cross the Ligurian Apennines to get to La Spezia.