Category Archives: Archery

Archery club website

With the start of the new year I created a new website for my local archery club TFBS München e.V. [German], adding it to the growing list of websites I set up for clubs, schools and outreach activities.

A simple WordPress site along with some scripting to display calendar events and views, which I might extend with some interactive content and event-registration scrips at some point.

That said, we are always looking for new members (younger and less young) to join us [German] …

New toy for the summer

I finally managed to cash in some vouchers I got for Christmas and my birthday to buy a new ‘toy’.

Visiting 3D archery parcours has been a part various holidays and weekend trips in the past, now it’s to become an even more regular item on the schedule.

Let’s see where using my own equipment takes us …