Category Archives: Hobbies

Open Day in Garching

Last Thursday, 3 October 2024, I took part in the Open Day at Garching.

With over 80 venues and activities to visit and take part in, and thousands of people attending, it was quite an event.

I myself took part in the stand activities of the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV), moderated talks and discussions at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) and set up another ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ (BYOPD) competition as part of the activities of the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence. Both the MQV stand and the BYOPD activity were well attended and we had quite a number of participants in the BYOPD competition … entries and results soon(ish) to come.

The official website for the Open Day, which I expanded and recoded over the past few weeks, also seems to have done a good job for the 6500 or so unique visitors on that day alone.

Portugal 2024

A little roadtrip and photo diary from our trip to Portugal in August 2024.

Some more details and captions might follow at some point .. otherwise just ask me ;)

Continue reading Portugal 2024

Reviving a school website

Earlier this year I took on the task of reviving my son’s high school website. Now we have finally reached the point where the school has decided to officially move from the old and outdated site to this new one.

After another less successful attempt by someone else to relaunch the site, we decided to go for a slimmer and simpler approach this time to minimise maintenance.
Using WordPress, I derived a minimally modified but dedicated child theme based on Twenty Twenty and wrote a bit of PHP, Javascript and HTML/CSS code to adapt the site to the needs and wishes of the school staff.

Some content still needs to be added, but the site is already more functional and complete than the old one, so the school decided to launch it at their summer party today.

I will continue to support the school team with maintenance, development and working on the long list of ideas we still have for the site. These include updating some of the images in collaboration with the photography course and better integrating the school newspaper and other school projects.