Category Archives: CERN

ATLAS (25) week in Bratislava

Just left the closing session of this year’s outside ATLAS Overview Week 2017 which took place in BratislavaSlovakia. Besides the usual physics, detector and performances updates, we had our internal ATLAS25 celebration party on Thursday.
From the outreach side we presented and got people involved in various activities and presented some really nice videos documenting the past 25 years during the celebration.
Obviously there was also some (though not much) time to see the city, the castle, the Most SNP and to escape from the clutches of a corrupt policeman.

Last but not least, the ATLAS collaboration board just granted me the honour to be the next outreach co-coordinator, starting next March :)

ATLAS25 live and cake

(c) CERN

Today we finally got to celebrate ATLAS’ 25th anniversary.
After many meetings, lots of preparation and with a great team, we managed to publish six very nice, short videos about various aspects of the ATLAS experiment and collaboration on Facebook live. Already by now, we got about 4000 views on these videos.
Luckily we also had some time for a beautiful and tasty ATLAS-CMS birthday chocolate cake in between.

Happy Birthday
Higgs Boson

It’s been five years already since the announcement of the discovery of the final and most intriguing particle of the Standard Model – the Higgs Boson! I joined the official presentation/announcement remotely from the main auditorium of the ICHEP conference taking place in Melbourne at the time. It was quite the day … summed up nicely in a  retrospective released by CERN just now.

And yes, the picture with Peter was taken about a year after the announcement, just after he’s been presented as Nobel laureate together with François Englert in 2013.