Category Archives: DESY

The Top of Phyics (now even with a contract)

Yeeha… 5mins ago I finally recieved my contract!
Now the work that already started a week (or four) ago is official!
I am a member of the old and honourable DESY community…
and I’ll be working on the top of physics… or top-physics ;-)

For all non-physicists: it’s just another particle that you don’t know (and care) about ;-)

Well… let’s roll!


Here we go… its my first day as a payed employee at DESY-Zeuthen!
In some way also the first day of my PhD time here.

I got a desk with a view on “Lake Zeuthen”… but this might change after a some time…
and of course I am thinking about rearranging the desks in my office anyway (as always in new offices)…

Well now I got to work…
btw the map shows my location (also on Google-Maps)… I’ll post some pictures later on!



After treading water for a too long time, I finally made up my mind and came to a decision concerning my (near) future! I guess it probably was the hardest I ever had to take.

Not to put you on the rack for too long…
its not Copenhagen,
its not Paris,
its not Freiburg,

Right! I’m gonna stay in Berlin for (at least) the next three years! It was a tough decision and took a while to be made.
Anyway… now I’m gonna do my Ph.D. at Humboldt-University of Berlin and DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in Zeuthen.
It will be about top-quark physics and data-quality monitoring using the higher-level-trigger of ATLAS.

And since this is not enough!
I’m also moving, since we already cancelled our old apartment, due to the fact that I would end up in Freiburg according to the original plan.
The new apartment, located in Berlin-Friedrichshain, will of course be opened with a little house-warming party… I’ll give more details!