In addition to new animated logos for video productions of the ATLAS Collaboration, I have been working on a revised, 1080p version of the animated ATLAS detector slice, showing the interaction of different particles inside the ATLAS detector.
Over the past four months, and together with Christian Klein-Boesing, Marcus Mikorski and a few others, we have been running a workshop for high-school and early-university students to design and build the ALICE Experiment at CERN in LEGO bricks. As part of the weekly meetings we had with the students we also introduced basic concepts of particle, heavy-ion and detector physics.
The workshop series was organised and funded by the ErUM-FSP T01 project “Expansion of ALICE at the LHC: experiments with the ALICE detector at CERN”, which in turn is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
The first models in real-live bricks are foreseen to be build end of June 2021 at Goethe University Frankfurt and University of Münster, with both their ALICE groups taking a leading role in this effort.
Today, my “Teilchenjäger” (particle hunter) profile at went public. Weltmaschine is the public face of the German Large Hadron Collider (LHC) community. Besides the public website, they develop permanent as well as travelling exhibitions, and once in a while also write up pieces about LHC scientists working in Germany ;P