The trouble goes on

I’m stil having some trouble with my studies back here in good old germany… after having had my little exam to get some of my courses from Denmark accepted, I’m now fighting for some credits that I need to be allowed to take one of my big exams at the end of my studies. In addition to that I’m struggling with the decision which exam to take first… I can choose between experimental and theoretical physics and a selectable subject, which is most likely surface sciences. The plan is to do two of these in the next holidays (which are in February/March).
I just don’t know?!?
Anyway… besides all that stuff I had a nice slideshow-halloween-weekend, meeting up with some mates to look at a shit load of pictures my girlfriend took in India and celebrating the scary event of halloween, one day early.
I’ll upload some pictures later on.
For all of you who know… it reminded me a bit of the CERN kitchen parades (dressed up drinking).

May the boogie be with you… Peace