The trouble of finding an appartment and plans for the summer

First of all some good news according to my plans of going to CERN this summer… I’m definitely going! The bad news… I have to find an appartment that’s affordable, cause all the rooms in the CERN-hostels are taken by the Summerstudents. And looking at the prizes of accomodation in and around Geneva is a pain in the … But finally I have found two places that would be acceptable! I hope I’ll get accepted on Friday!? If that works out I’ll still have some of the money I’ll get left… which means that I could actually live without a loss. Yeeha!
So what are the exact plans:
I’ll go to PSI in the end of June (22nd-29th) then return to Berlin for two days, visit my sister in Frankfurt and then go to CERN from July 4th to September 9th. During this time I might visit some friends working on a vineyard near Aix en Provence (greetz to Barry and Richard) for a weekend and definitly a friend living in Geneva (greetz to Lorric). After my stay at CERN I’ll hopefully visit another friend in Aix en Provence (greetz to Julie) for some days. We’ll see…
If someone wants to visit me just let me know… dependent on the room I’ll get I might have a place to sleep?! Otherwise there is a YouthHostel in Geneva. Anyway Easyjet is flying from Berlin to Geneva!