Category Archives: Countries

Long-lived particles in Trieste

Just returned from our very nice workshop on ‘Searches for long-lived particles at the LHC‘ in Trieste. Three intense days of reports, discussions and new ideas related to searches for exotic long-lived particles at the LHC and beyond, and me having the pleasure to give the closing talk on Friday. Given the tight schedule there was unfortunately not much time to actually see Trieste, but here’s a few impressions …


ATLAS (25) week in Bratislava

Just left the closing session of this year’s outside ATLAS Overview Week 2017 which took place in BratislavaSlovakia. Besides the usual physics, detector and performances updates, we had our internal ATLAS25 celebration party on Thursday.
From the outreach side we presented and got people involved in various activities and presented some really nice videos documenting the past 25 years during the celebration.
Obviously there was also some (though not much) time to see the city, the castle, the Most SNP and to escape from the clutches of a corrupt policeman.

Last but not least, the ATLAS collaboration board just granted me the honour to be the next outreach co-coordinator, starting next March :)


After a one hour flight and an even longer boat trip from the airport to my hotel / the venue, I finally arrived in Venice yesterday. To be precise, it’s on Lido (long strip of land in the background above) and (sadly) it’s not for holidays, but this year’s EPS HEP conference, which started today.

Let’s see how it goes …