All posts by Sascha

ESO Supernova

‘A New Supernova over Munich’, that’s the slogan of the ESO planetarium and visitor centre that opened recently. It’s not exactly above Munich, as Garching is a bit of a subway ride outside of town, but it’s certainly worth the trip!

They have a very nice permanent exhibition called “The Living Universe” which covers about everything from where we are to what we know about our Universe. There’s temporary exhibitions as well as a fantastic planetarium, with lots of different shows, on top of that. I’ve seen the “Phantom of the Universe” as well as “Two Small Pieces of Glass — The Amazing Telescope“, and they are both great movies. Obviously the former of the two has to be, as it features the ATLAS experiment and was in part done by ATLAS people (thanks for that).

The best part is, that both the exhibitions and the planetarium shows are (still) free of charge. So there’s really no excuse for not passing by!!

Honour & Glory

It’s time for this year’s (major) Honour & Glory event – FIFA2018 is starting in a few days!

Remember to check your account and place your bets before the matches start!
The bets and some stats and plots (match board, score board) will be visible right after kickoff and I’ll do my best to put in results quickly.

Looking forwards to another exiting (betting) event!
Let’s see who’s going to make this time … newbie or someone with history ;)

LLP and SUSY workshops

Spring time is (apparently) workshop time.

Last week I spent three days at the 3rd LHC Long-lived Particle workshop at CERN where the status and plans for searches for long-lived particles (LLPs) at LHC and elsewhere have been presented and discussed. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to put out a white paper, summarising current LLP search coverage, ways to improve it and a unified ‘language’ (set of simplified models) for sensitivity studies and reinterpretations.

This week I went to Stockholm for the 2018 ATLAS Supersymmetry Workshop to meet with a large fraction of the ATLAS SUSY community to (again) discuss the status quo as well as plans and ideas for the future (in terms of supersymmetry searches within ATLAS, also including a few LLP searches). Great location (institute and city) and nice workshop …

Scientific aliens

taken from

I finally got my name on a peer-reviewed psychology publication … check on bucket list :)
Orthographic learning in children with isolated and combined reading and spelling deficits” by Heike Mehlhase, Sarolta Bakos, Karin Landerl, Gerd Schulte-Körne & Kristina Moll

To be fair, it’s only in the Acknowledgments section of one of Heike’s recent papers …
but you gonna have to start somewhere!

Thanks to Sascha Mehlhase for designing the aliens for the associate learning phase […].