All posts by Sascha

Seasonal subtenants – blue tits on the balcony

Today the last two blue tit youngsters left the birdhouse on our balcony.

After a somewhat depressing first attempt last year, with all eight youngsters dying, this time around the parent(s) managed to get at least two of initially eight youngsters till the end.
Today at around 8am and 11am they finally left our balcony house their parents have been setting up since the very end of March.

For those of you interested, there’s a more time-lapse and motion-detection clips in a YouTube playlist.

IPPOG Meeting in Sofia

This week I had the pleasure to have been invited to the 25th IPPOG Meeting in Sofia, in fact to talk about Munich Quantum Valley and quantum-computing in general in a quantum-computing panel discussion.

It was a pleasure to reconnect to my former colleagues and discuss what is my new job now with them.
Besides that, Netzwerk Teilchenwelt also presented the ALICE LEGO project I cohosted recently and the Particle Twister game I codeveloped :)

New toy for the summer

I finally managed to cash in some vouchers I got for Christmas and my birthday to buy a new ‘toy’.

Visiting 3D archery parcours has been a part various holidays and weekend trips in the past, now it’s to become an even more regular item on the schedule.

Let’s see where using my own equipment takes us …