All posts by Sascha

Honour & Glory – UEFA 2022

The 2022 UEFA Women’s Championship is over and the prizes just arrived and are ready to find their way to the winners.

Congratulations to team England, Troels, Lea and Michael!!

It was a close call for the first place at the end.

You can find all the stats and standing here (also a scoreboard, if you prefer). And obviously this also changes the football all-time stats.

Thanks to everyone for taking part and see you in November for the 2022 FIFA World Cup H&G event.

ATLAS Visitor Centre

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure to present the new ATLAS Visitor Centre at the Lepton Photon 2021 conference. It’s been great and fun to lead this project and to propose and develop at lot of new content together with great people within the ATLAS Collaboration, the CERN exhibitions team and the design company Point Prod in Geneva. And it’s great to finally see it come to conclusion and open up to the public once visitors are allowed at CERN again.

Here’s a little presentation video I made for the conference …

From Quarks to Qubits

After more than sixteen years at the ATLAS experiment it seems to be time for a change, and for me that change is going from quarks to qubits, and from a mix of fundamental research, teaching and science communication to a full-time job working on public engagement and didactics for the recently founded Munich Quantum Valley.

Continue reading From Quarks to Qubits