Category Archives: Honour & Glory

Honour & Glory

This  year’s UEFA European Championship is finally over … and … we have a winner!

Congratulations to Lea for a fabulous victory!

Congratulations also to Bernd K. and Janine for the ranks, especially to Janine who was in the lead for almost half of the championship. I can only repeat what I already said after the group stage: quite an impressive show by some of you.

Down below is the final overview on player points/ranks.
As usual, you find all the details (schedulestandingsmatchboards, yes there’s multiple; scoreboard; and alternative counting) in the Honour & Glory section.


Honour & Glory

The group stage is over, 36 out of 51 matches played and 20 people have placed bets in this  year’s UEFA European Championship.

Congratz to Bernd K., Janine, Lea and Michael for taking the lead after this initial step of the tournament. Quite an impressive show by some of you, I have to admit. Down below is the overview on player ranks after each match. As usual, you find all the details (schedulestandingsmatchboards, yes there’s multiple; scoreboard; and alternative counting) on the Honour & Glory section.

Looking forward to an exciting round of 16!


H&G – FIFA World Cup

What to say? I guess we all agree that this year’s FIFA World Cup had quite some excitement. Not only on the Honour & Glory side, but also on the football side as well ;)

Jokes aside … Germany is now on par with Italy in having four titles (only Brazil has five), Klose is now the sole top goalscorer and I won H&G :)

I guess, I should thank everyone for taking part in this year’s Honour & Glory highlight and congratulate especially Teresa and Anne for their second and third place, respectively. Your trophies are waiting for you!

Besides that, we had a new all-time high in the number of participants (21, with an average of 16) and a couple of achievement that deserve to be mentioned. Michael and Teresa managed to gain points in eight consecutive matches. Bernd, Carsten and Michael even got three consecutive matches right to the exact score. Anne lead the board for in total 37 matches, though wasn’t in the top three as much as Teresa and me (56 matches). In any case congratz for these records as well. You can find those and more below the now final standings table, matchboard and scoreboard. The (relatively) new football all-time stats now also includes the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

As you might have seen already, I also introduced the new bets view in the matchboard, which since this year’s semi finals shows the bets of everyone as soon as the match started.