Category Archives: Hobbies

Quantum Coasters

As part of our outreach activities at Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) to celebrate the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, we decided to participate in this year’s Munich edition of Pint of Science in May by opening the MQV Quantum Pub.

In order to adapt our merchandising and educational materials to the pub environment, I came up with the idea for a set of quantum-inspired drink coasters. From coasters with Schrödinger’s cat dead and/or alive and a drink inspired single-qubit-gate coaster, to a full set of quantum-circuit gates to build and discuss your own quantum circuit while having a drink, our media designer Flavio did a great job putting together the visuals for this nice little project.

So look out for one of our upcoming public events and you might just come across our new educational quantum coasters.

Archery club website

With the start of the new year I created a new website for my local archery club TFBS München e.V. [German], adding it to the growing list of websites I set up for clubs, schools and outreach activities.

A simple WordPress site along with some scripting to display calendar events and views, which I might extend with some interactive content and event-registration scrips at some point.

That said, we are always looking for new members (younger and less young) to join us [German] …

Open Day in Garching

Last Thursday, 3 October 2024, I took part in the Open Day at Garching.

With over 80 venues and activities to visit and take part in, and thousands of people attending, it was quite an event.

I myself took part in the stand activities of the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV), moderated talks and discussions at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) and set up another ‘Build Your Own Particle Detector’ (BYOPD) competition as part of the activities of the ORIGINS Cluster of Excellence. Both the MQV stand and the BYOPD activity were well attended and we had quite a number of participants in the BYOPD competition … entries and results soon(ish) to come.

The official website for the Open Day, which I expanded and recoded over the past few weeks, also seems to have done a good job for the 6500 or so unique visitors on that day alone.